Treadmill vs Elliptical: Which One is Better?

Treadmill vs Elliptical: Which One is Better?

Key Takeaways

  • Treadmills offer a high-impact workout that simulates running or walking which is great for cardiovascular health and calorie burning.
  • Ellipticals provide a low-impact workout, reducing stress on joints while enhancing full-body exercise.
  • Both machines have unique features that cater to different fitness levels, goals, and physical conditions.
  • Space, workout preferences, and physical limitations are key factors to consider when choosing between a treadmill and an elliptical.


At SOLE, we offer treadmills and ellipticals to suit your fitness goals. 

Featured Products

  • SOLE Treadmills: The SOLE F85 treadmill, ideal for runners, features a powerful 4.0 CHP motor, a spacious 22" x 60" deck, superior Cushion Flex Whisper Deck technology, and a 15.6” touchscreen, perfect for HIIT. The SOLE TT8 treadmill, suitable for walkers and beginners, offers a comfortable and affordable option with a 4.0 CHP motor, a 22" x 60" deck, and a durable 2-ply belt, ensuring smooth operation and joint-friendly workouts.

  • SOLE Ellipticals: The SOLE E95 elliptical trainer is perfect for low-impact cardio with its ergonomic design and quiet operation. The SOLE E98, ideal for HIIT, features a heavy-duty frame, powerful motor, and variable incline. The SOLE E25, with a lower step-on height, caters to users with limited mobility for easy workouts.


What Sets Treadmills and Ellipticals Apart

Impact and Exercise Type

Treadmills provide a high-impact workout, closely simulating natural running or walking. This feature is particularly beneficial for those looking to improve cardiovascular health and engage in serious calorie burning. The ability to adjust speeds and incline makes treadmills suitable for various fitness levels, from beginners to marathon trainers. High-impact workouts can be more demanding on the body, making treadmills less suitable for individuals with joint issues.

Ellipticals, on the other hand, offer a low-impact exercise that significantly reduces stress on the joints. Despite the low impact, ellipticals engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a full-body workout. This makes them ideal for users of all ages and fitness levels who seek a comprehensive workout with minimal risk of injury. The smooth, gliding motions and adjustable resistance levels allow for a tailored exercise session that can range from light to intense.

Workout Intensity and Muscle Engagement

Treadmills are straightforward in their operation, allowing users to easily control the intensity of their workouts through speed and incline adjustments. This makes them particularly effective for targeted training programs, such as interval training or hill workouts, which can dramatically increase cardiovascular and muscular endurance.

Ellipticals engage more muscle groups at once by incorporating upper body movements with handlebars, alongside the lower body motion of pedaling. This cross-training effect not only improves muscular balance and coordination but also increases the overall metabolic rate during the workout. The ability to adjust stride length and pedaling direction adds variety and allows users to focus on different muscle groups.

Space Requirements

Treadmills typically require more space due to their longer and wider belts. They are designed to accommodate the natural stride of running or walking, which necessitates a larger footprint. Treadmills provide a more natural exercise experience that many users may prefer, especially those training for outdoor running events.

Ellipticals are generally more compact and require less space, making them a better option for users with limited room. The motion of an elliptical is less natural compared to walking or running, which might take new users some time to get accustomed to. However, the standing position and continuous movement provide a low-impact alternative that is easier on the hips and knees.

Price and Value

Both treadmills and ellipticals are offered at various price points by SOLE, but the selection of either depends largely on personal needs and preferences. Treadmills can range from budget-friendly models, suitable for walking and light running, to high-end models designed for rigorous training schedules. Ellipticals also range from basic to advanced models, with varying features such as adjustable stride lengths and enhanced ergonomic designs for comfort.

Technological Features

Modern treadmills and ellipticals come equipped with various technological features that enhance the user experience. This includes intuitive consoles with touchscreen capabilities, Bluetooth connectivity for music and entertainment, and preset workout programs tailored to specific fitness goals. These features help keep the user engaged and motivated throughout their fitness journey.

SOLE Fitness Featured Products

At SOLE Fitness, we understand the importance of choosing the right exercise equipment to achieve your fitness goals. Both treadmills and ellipticals offer excellent cardiovascular workouts but cater to different preferences and fitness needs. 

SOLE Treadmills

  • For Runners: The SOLE F85 treadmill, with its powerful 4.0 CHP motor, spacious 22" x 60" deck, superior cushioning with Cushion Flex Whisper Deck technology, and a 15.6” touchscreen display, is perfect for runners seeking a calorie-burning workout that simulates outdoor running. This combination allows users to comfortably achieve long strides and maintain a consistent pace under any form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  • For Walkers and Beginners: The SOLE TT8 treadmill offers a comfortable and affordable option for walkers and those new to exercise routines. This treadmill features a powerful 4.0 CHP motor that ensures smooth operation even at high speeds, allowing users to push their limits during intense workouts. Additionally, the spacious 22" x 60" deck offers ample room for long strides, while the durable 2-ply belt minimizes impact on joints, promoting a comfortable running experience.

Browse the full range of SOLE treadmills here

SOLE Elliptical Trainers

  • Low-Impact Cardio: The SOLE E95 elliptical trainer, with its ergonomic design, whisper-quiet operation, and multiple resistance levels, provides a fluid and natural stride motion, making it perfect for low-impact cardio workouts in the comfort of your home gym.
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): The SOLE E98 elliptical trainer is well-suited for those seeking a more intense workout experience. It features a heavy-duty frame, a powerful 4.0 CHP motor with variable speed control, and multiple incline options, allowing users to push their limits during HIIT sessions.
  • Limited Mobility: The SOLE E25 elliptical trainer offers a lower step-on height compared to other models, making it easier for users with limited mobility to begin and end their workouts comfortably.

Check out these and other elliptical trainers by SOLE Fitness.

Top Features of Treadmills

  • Natural Simulation of Outdoor Running or Walking: Treadmills are designed to closely mimic the natural movement of running or walking outdoors, which is beneficial for those training for races or seeking a workout that replicates real-world terrain.
  • Adjustable Speed and Incline Settings: Offering a range of speeds and incline options, treadmills allow users to customize their workout intensity. The incline feature on treadmills challenges users by simulating uphill environments, which can enhance muscle tone and strength, particularly in the lower body. 
  • Calorie Burning Efficiency: Due to their high-impact nature, treadmills are excellent for burning a significant amount of calories in a shorter period. This makes them a preferred choice for weight loss and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: Regular use of a treadmill helps improve heart health by providing a vigorous cardiovascular workout. This is essential for overall fitness and endurance building.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces: The consoles on most treadmills are designed to be intuitive, providing easy access to pre-set programs, fitness tracking, and entertainment options, which enhance the user experience.
  • Space and Budget Considerations: While treadmills vary in size and cost, options are available that cater to different space constraints and budget requirements, from compact, foldable designs to high-end, gym-quality machines.
  • Longevity and Customer Satisfaction: High-quality materials and sturdy construction make treadmills durable over long-term use. Brands like SOLE are recognized for their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, offering reliable machines that are an investment in long-term health and fitness goals.

Top Features of Ellipticals

  • Low-Impact Exercise: These machines are engineered to offer a low-impact workout, significantly reducing the stress on your knees, hips, and back. This feature is particularly beneficial for those with joint concerns or for users who are recovering from injuries.
  • Adjustable Resistance: To cater to various fitness levels and workout intensities, SOLE Ellipticals come with adjustable resistance levels. This allows users to incrementally increase the difficulty of their workouts, facilitating better strength and endurance over time.
  • Customizable Stride Lengths: The ability to adjust stride lengths is crucial for accommodating users of different heights and stride preferences. This customization ensures that each user can find a comfortable setting that mimics natural movement patterns, enhancing the effectiveness of the workout.
  • Ergonomic Handlebars: These handlebars are designed to optimize comfort and effectiveness. They allow for a natural arm movement during the workout, which can reduce strain on the wrists and arms and improve the engagement of the upper body muscles.
  • Integrated Console for Workout Data: The consoles on SOLE Ellipticals are equipped with displays that provide essential workout data such as time, distance, speed, and calories burned. Some models also include heart rate monitoring, which is excellent for those who are targeting specific fitness goals based on heart rate zones.
  • Compact Design: Compared to some treadmills, SOLE Ellipticals generally require less space, making them a suitable option for users with limited room. This compact design allows for more flexibility in placement within a home or gym setting.

An Overview of SOLE Fitness Products for Your Workouts


SOLE F85 Treadmill

SOLE TT8 Treadmill

SOLE E35 Elliptical

SOLE E98 Elliptical

Impact Level





Resistance/incline range

15 incline levels

15 incline levels

20 resistance levels

40 resistance levels

Space Required












Pros and Cons: A Balanced View

Pros of Using a Treadmill

  • Simulates Natural Movement: Treadmills accurately mimic natural walking or running, which can be more intuitive and comfortable for users compared to other types of exercise machines.
  • Adjustable Intensity: They offer adjustable speeds and inclines, allowing for a varied workout that can be tailored to individual fitness goals and needs. This makes treadmills ideal for everything from light walking to intensive marathon training.
  • Calorie Burning: Treadmills are excellent for calorie burning. They tend to burn more calories per hour compared to ellipticals, making them a great choice for weight loss and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Training for Competitions: With features like incline settings that simulate uphill terrain, treadmills are particularly beneficial for users training for marathons or races.
  • Technology and Features: SOLE treadmills are equipped with strong motors, spacious belts, and advanced cushioning systems. Their user-friendly interfaces include pre-set workout programs, enhancing the workout experience.

Cons of Using a Treadmill

  • Space Requirements: Treadmills typically require more space than ellipticals, which can be a limiting factor for users with smaller living spaces.
  • Cost: While SOLE offers treadmills across a range of prices, high-quality models can be quite expensive. The cost can be a barrier for some individuals looking for home fitness solutions.
  • Monotony: Some users may find walking or running on a treadmill monotonous compared to outdoor activities or other more dynamic gym equipment.
  • Safety Concerns: There is a risk of falls and injuries associated with improper use of treadmills. Users need to ensure they are comfortable with the machine's operation to avoid accidents.
  • Electricity Usage: Unlike some other exercise machines, treadmills require electricity to operate, which can lead to additional energy costs.

Pros of Using an Elliptical

  • Low-Impact Exercise: The smooth, gliding motion reduces stress on the knees, hips, and back compared to the high-impact nature of running on a treadmill.
  • Full-Body Workout: Unlike treadmills, which primarily target the lower body, ellipticals engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. The inclusion of handlebars moves in sync with the pedal action, helping to work the arms, chest, back, and shoulders along with the legs.
  • Adjustable Resistance and Stride Lengths: Most ellipticals come with adjustable resistance and stride lengths, allowing users to customize their workouts according to their fitness levels and goals. This versatility helps to continuously challenge the body and prevent workout plateaus.
  • Space-Efficient: Generally, ellipticals require less floor space than treadmills, making them suitable for users with limited room. This makes ellipticals a practical choice for home gyms in smaller spaces.
  • Safety and Accessibility: The continuous motion and enclosed mechanism of an elliptical reduce the risk of injury due to slips or falls, which can be a concern with treadmills. Additionally, ellipticals are typically easier to mount and dismount, enhancing accessibility for older adults or those with mobility limitations.

Cons of Using an Elliptical

  • Less Weight-Bearing Effect: Because ellipticals provide a low-impact workout, they do not offer the same weight-bearing benefits as treadmills. Weight-bearing exercises are important for building bone density and strength, which could be a drawback for those looking to improve bone health.
  • Perceived Lower Intensity: Some users might feel that workouts on an elliptical do not offer the same intensity as those on a treadmill, particularly when it comes to simulating outdoor running conditions. This perception might affect motivation and the feeling of workout satisfaction.
  • Complexity and Maintenance: Ellipticals can be more complex in their construction than treadmills. This complexity often translates into higher maintenance needs and potentially more frequent repairs, particularly as the machine ages and with heavy use.
  • Cost: High-quality ellipticals can be quite expensive, often in the same price range as advanced treadmills. The initial investment might be a significant consideration for some users, especially given the variety of less expensive fitness equipment available.
  • Limited Workout Variations: While the resistance and stride can be adjusted, the base movement of an elliptical is constant. Unlike a treadmill, where incline and speed can greatly vary the nature of the workout, the elliptical offers less dynamic change, which could lead to boredom over time for some users.

Expert Opinion: Our Take on Choosing between a Treadmill and an Elliptical

When to Choose a Treadmill

A treadmill is ideal if your fitness regimen focuses on cardiovascular health and calorie burning. SOLE treadmill simulates natural walking, jogging, or running, which can be especially beneficial for those training for a race or who prefer a high-impact workout. The ability to adjust the speed and incline allows for a varied workout intensity that can challenge different fitness levels. Notably, treadmills can be more demanding on the joints, which might be a consideration for those with knee or ankle issues.

When to Choose an Elliptical

The elliptical is the go-to machine for those seeking a low-impact, full-body workout. It is particularly suitable for individuals with joint concerns or those recovering from injuries, as it significantly reduces stress on the knees, hips, and back. The machine’s design engages multiple muscle groups, including arms and legs, offering a balanced workout that can still be adjusted in terms of resistance and stride length to increase intensity.


Featured Products

  • SOLE Treadmills: The SOLE F85 treadmill, ideal for runners, features a powerful 4.0 CHP motor, a spacious 22" x 60" deck, superior Cushion Flex Whisper Deck technology, and a 15.6” touchscreen, perfect for HIIT. The SOLE TT8 treadmill, suitable for walkers and beginners, offers a comfortable and affordable option with a 4.0 CHP motor, a 22" x 60" deck, and a durable 2-ply belt, ensuring smooth operation and joint-friendly workouts.

  • SOLE Ellipticals: The SOLE E95 elliptical trainer is perfect for low-impact cardio with its ergonomic design and quiet operation. The SOLE E98, ideal for HIIT, features a heavy-duty frame, powerful motor, and variable incline. The SOLE E25, with a lower step-on height, caters to users with limited mobility for easy workouts.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who are treadmills suitable for?

Treadmills are best suited for serious runners, marathon trainers, or those who enjoy walking as a primary form of exercise. They cater well to users who have no significant joint issues and prefer a straightforward, impactful workout.

Who are ellipticals suitable for?

Ellipticals are ideal for older adults, those with joint concerns, or anyone looking for a gentler alternative to running. They are also great for those who desire a diverse and engaging workout that incorporates upper and lower body coordination.

What is the price range for SOLE Treadmills?

SOLE treadmills range from affordable to premium, costing between $800 and $2,500. The price varies based on the model, features, and technology offered.

What are the key features to look for in a treadmill?

When choosing a treadmill, consider factors like motor horsepower, cushioning system, incline settings, pre-set programs, user-friendly console, and space-saving design for optimal performance and comfort.

What are the key features to look for in an elliptical?

The elliptical should have smooth stride motion, adjustable resistance, upper body handlebars for a full-body workout, sturdy construction for stability, and a console with workout tracking and programs.

How do SOLE machines compare in terms of durability and customer satisfaction?

SOLE is known for building durable machines that last. Customers often praise SOLE products for their robust construction, reliability, and excellent customer service. With proper maintenance, a SOLE treadmill or elliptical can be a long-term investment in your health and fitness journey.

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